North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Ministries of science and education of Baden-Württemberg (Germany)

In the frame of the project "Week of Germany in Saint-Petersburg"

17-18 April 2012


Russian-German medical forum «Women’s health 2012»

Leading specialists of the Universities Clinics from the following cities: Saint-Petersburg, Heidelberg, Moscow, Ulm, Nizhny Novgorod, Freiburg, Mannheim, Tübingen, Berlin will make reports

- Conference programme


Themes of Forum:

17 April - Cardiovascular and rheumatological diseases among women

18 April - Oncological diseases among women: new approaches in treatment of breast cancer and tumors of pelvic organs


We invite doctors of cardiological, therapeutic, gynecologic, surgical and oncological clinics, graduate students, students, clinical interns and also representatives of scientific-research institutes, laboratories and firms

Place: Saint-Petersburg, Kirochnaya st., 41, Hall of NWSMU n.a. I.I.Mechnikov

Beginning: 9.00. Admission is free

Details and registration on the site: