International and domestic students of our University took part in the ‘X International Day of Yoga’ & ‘India - Saint Petersburg International Cultural Festival’

The Consulate General of India organized the ‘X International Day of Yoga’ & ‘India - Saint Petersburg International Cultural Festival’ on 16 June, 2024. That event aimed building awareness of people of different nationalities about culture and traditions of India. Students of I.I. Mechnikov’s North-Western State Medical University participated in myriad cultural activities, including yoga masterclasses, Indian dance and musical performances, Indian food festival, Indian saree fashion show etc.

International and domestic students of our University became the part of this amazing event not only as participants, but organizers as well. Our students volunteered, cooperating with Consulate General, to make the event embrace as many people as possible.

Such events are very important for St. Petersburg as this city is a multinational cultural center and hub of various confessions, traditions and trends.

Our University is proud of humanitarian efforts of our domestic and international students!


