A roadmap of aging in Russia: the prevalence of frailty in the community-dwelling elderly in the St. Petersburg district. The "Crystal" study

April 7, 2011 at the seminar "The Belgian innovative solutions to save lives", which was held in SPb MAPS on the occasion of the Belgian economic mission in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Mathilde of Belgium professor at Catholic Leven University Jan Degryse and Professor of MAPS Frolova E.V. have made a report: " The prevalence of frailty in the community-dwelling elderly in the St. Petersburg district. The results of the "Crystal" project".

In 2008, the Family medicine Department of SPb MAPS (Head prof. Kuznetsova O.Y) initiated study on options for human aging and opportunities to improve quality of life in elderly, as well as assessing the prevalence of fragility. Frailty - a worst-case aging, increasing for an elderly person the risk of death, falls, loss of independence. Subsequently, the project was called "Crystal". Project director - Professor Frolova E.V, leading researchers are Gurina N.A., Ph.D Zelenuha D.N, Ph.D. Tadzhibaev P.D, MD Korystina E.M. This study is a result of collaboration between MAPS and the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Project director from Belgian side Professor Jan Degryse. Research is conducted in Kolpino, based at Department of General Practice (outpatients’ clinic № 95).

The study is planned as a prospective cohort, have now completed the first stage, cross-sectional study of a random stratified sampling. Examination of each participant includes the registration of anthropometric parameters, laboratory tests and to gather information from the patient record. The functional status of each participant with a battery of functional tests, emotional and cognitive status, dependence on outside assistance, the nutritional status was investigated. For the first time in an outpatient practice, among elderly persons, including at home was provided spirometry by a portable spirometer and echocardiography by portable echocardiograph.

Six hundred elderly people aged from 65 to 91 years were recruited into research.
This is the first epidemiological study in Russia to analyze the functional status and health of the elderly population.

The end-point of the study is to identify those groups of elderly people who have increased risk of death, falls, malnutrition, hospitalization, loss of independence. Based on the results of the study one can create methods for determination of risk and promptly send the elderly to a specialist if necessary. Results of the project will help to improve the organization of geriatric care as well as the quality of life of elderly people.

The project continues. The results of its first stage were published and repeatedly reported at various conferences.

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