Scientific and practical conference

June 5-6, 2014



We invite you to participation in work of the scientific and practical conference "Modern Technologies of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics in Clinical Medicine-II".


Informe the experts of functional and ultrasound diagnostics of new and effective methods of diagnostics of various groups of diseases, acceleration of implementation of modern medical technologies in clinical and out-patient and polyclinic practice.

This conference is the continuation of cooperation of the experts, appeared at the conference for the first time, carried out in 2011 (once 3 years). Scientists, leading experts of functional and ultrasound diagnostics, practitioners from Russia, countries of the near and far abroad will take part in the conference. We welcome participation of known experts as well as young scientists.

The exhibition of modern achievements in the field of development and production of medical diagnostic equipment and the equipment for functional and ultrasound diagnostics with the participation of the companies - distributors will take place in the frame of the conference.


  1. Theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of functional and ultrasonic diagnostics.
  2. New diagnostic technologies and innovative projects in various areas of functional and ultrasound diagnostics.
  3. Modern algorithms and noninvasive methods of tool diagnostics in all areas of medicine - cardiology, neurology, an angiology, endocrinology, nephrology, urology, pulmonology, obstetrics and gynecology, perinatology.
  4. Prospects of functional and ultrasonic diagnostics in the light of achievements of modern medical science.


  • North-Western State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov
  • Saint–Petersburg cardiological society n.a. G.F. Lang
  • Saint–Petersburg echocardiographic club
  • Saint–Petersburg State Healthcare Institution "Diagnostic center (medico-genetic)"
  • Saint–Petersburg Center "Medika"

General service-agent providing carrying out of the conference:

JSC «Congress Academy». Director general: Glazkova Olga Alekseevna.


  1. Performance of the report. Duration of the report 15-20 minutes, show material has to be presented only for multimedia.
  2. Publication of materials and participation in the conference without the report.
  3. Publication of materials without participation in conference.
  4. Participation in conference (without report and publication).
  5. The sponsor's offer – carrying out of thematic reports and presentations, a master class on the companies equipment, placement of information on firms’ request.


  1. Registration of applications for participation in the conference till April 10, 2014.
  2. Deadline of the reception of reports and theses - till April 15, 2014.
  3. Registration of applications for participation in the conference as the Sponsor is till May 1, 2014.

For participation in the conference please copy and fill in this registration map and send to the organizing committee (download)

Rules of registration of materials for the press:

1. Thesis publication:

The theses directed for participation in the conference, shouldn't be earlier published or sent for publication to other editions. The theses volume - 1 page (A4), fields above, below, on the right and on the left – 2 cm, TimesNewRoman font - 12 pts, through 1 interval. The name (capital letters), since a new line - surnames and initials of authors, since a new line – establishment, the city, the country have to be specified in the title.

In the structure of the theses have to be reflected: the purpose and problems of work, materials and the methods, the received results and conclusions. In the text of the theses it is not necessary to place tables and drawings and also to give references. Reductions are not allowed in the name of the theses.

2. Report publication:

The volume of reports - to 5 pages of A4 format, the drawings including in the text, fields above, below, on the right and on the left – 2 cm, TimesNewRoman font - 12 pts, through 1 interval. Formulas have to be printed in MS Word with use of Microsoft Equation, pictires and diagrams should be presented in black-and-white and in the MS Excel format.

Theses and reports are accepted by e-mail in the attached file marked "The FD and USD modern technologies" with the obligatory indication of the e-mail address and contact phone of authors. The electronic file of theses should be in .doc format and name: "Petrov" (the surname of the first author in the list has to be in the Nominative case). If you send more than 1 thesis it is necessary to add serial number to the name of the file: "Petrov-1", "Petrov-2". The file should not include more than 1 thesis.

The organizing committee reserves the right not to accept the theses to consideration and publication if their registration does not meet these requirements.

Payment form: printing fee - 500 rubles for one printed page.

Payment terms – till May 1, 2014.

For confirmation of the fact of payment please send the copies of the paid receipts to the Organizing committee address. Receiving of your theses will be confirmed by the response letter via e-mail.

Requisites of general service agent for transfer of enrolment fee:

JSC «Congress Academy» INN 7825501000, KPP 784201001, c/a 40702810219000003694 in the Additional office "Kuibyshevsky" of OAO «Bank Saint-Petersburg», nostro account 30101810900000000790, BIK 044030790, (VAT is not charged).

In the payment order it is necessary to specify: theses of the conference on functional diagnostics. If payment is made by the legal entity, it is necessary to specify a full name of the participant for whom the enrolment fee is transferred.

  • Concerning money transfer address please:

Tel.: 8-904-637-23-36, e-mail:, contact person - Glazkova Olga Alekseevna.

  • For the timely solution of all questions we ask you to address the the ORGANIZING COMMITTEE of THE CONFERENCE:

191015, St. Petersburg, Kirochnaya Ul., 41, chair of functional diagnostics of NWSMU n.a. I.I.Mechnikov of the Ministry of the Russian Federation, Chernyshevskaya metro station

Phone/fax: (812) 275-19-33, ph.: 275-19-31 (10.00-15.00 except the days off)

e-mail: usfdconfer@

  • Contact persons for transfer of theses and reports:

Naiden Tatyana Viktorovna (8-911-206-65-59), Guseva Olesya Andreevna (8-931-335-48-25).

  • Сontact person for participation with reports and participation of the companies of medical diagnostic techniques and equipment:

Prof. Bartosh-Zelenaya Svetlana Yurevna, tel. 8-921-306-56-06; e-mail:

Attention of nonresident participants: to send the demand for room reservation in the hotel till April 14, 2014 to JSC «Congress Academy» on e-mail: (contact person – Dremova Svetlana Borisovna, ph. 8-952-355-43-78)

After processing of all demands JSC «Congress Academy» will send to each participant by e-mail (or by fax if e-mail is not indicated) the written notification of room booking confirmation, with detailed information how to get to the place of residence and the room price.

Demand for room booking in the hotel (download).

Dear participants! We pay your attention that June in St. Petersburg is "an active tourist season". We ask you to plan your arrival to the conference beforehand since after the established period we cannot guarantee existence of rooms of desirable category in the hotels.

Yours faithfully, organizing committee of the conference and staff of the chair of functional diagnostics of NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov.