Interacademic Students’ Scientific Сonference “Mechnikov reading - 2013”
The plenary meeting of Interacademic Students’ Scientific Conference with international participation “Mechnikov reading - 2013” was held on April 23, 2013, 10:00-12:00 at NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov.
The presidium of the conference consisted of professor Mazurov V.I., the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Vice-Rector for clinical work, professor Lila A.M., D.Sc., the Vice -Rector on study of NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov, Silin A.V., D.Sc., the Vice-Rector for science and international cooperation of NWSMU named after I.I.Mechnikov, Kostyukevich S.V., D.Sc., the research supervisor of Students’ Scientific Circle of NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov.
At the plenary meeting professor Mazurov V.I., the member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, made a report on technologies of XXI century in the clinic of internal diseases; Smolyaninov A.B., D.Sc., the Head of the research laboratory of cell technologies of NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov with the report on regenerative therapy and cell technologies; Kostyukevich S.V., D.Sc., the research supervisor of Students’ Scientific Circle, with the report about University Students' Scientific Circle. Following the plenary session the reports concerning academic mobility of students of the University were presented and the results of the best student's scientific works were announced.
After the plenary meeting the Conference work was continued in the following sections:
  • Obstetrics and gynaecology, perinatology (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 21)
  • Anaesthesiology and intensive care (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 25/4)
  • Biochemistry (Beginning at 13:00 Pavilion 5)
  • Gastroenterology (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 24)
  • Hepatology, nephrology (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 18)
  • Hygiene of children and adolescents (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 12b)
  • Food Hygiene and dietology (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 12b)
  • Labour hygiene and occupational diseases (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 8/1)
  • Dermatovenerology (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 14)
  • Infectious diseases (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 12b)
  • Cardiology (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 16)
  • Clinical and laboratory diagnostics (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 42)
  • Clinical Neurology (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 25/4)
  • Clinical pharmacology (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 2/4)
  • Community hygiene (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 2/4)
  • X-ray diagnostics and radiotherapy (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 24/1)
  • Medical biology (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 9)
  • Medical microbiology (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 33/2)
  • Medical physics (Beginning at13:00 Pavilion 26)
  • Morphology (Beginning at13:00. Pavilion 11)
  • Normal physiology (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 9)
  • Public health and public health organization (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 2/4)
  • Operative surgery (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 11/3)
  • Otorhinolaryngology (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 19)
  • Ophthalmology (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 19)
  • Pathology. Pathological anatomy (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 23) 
  • Pathological physiology. Psychology. (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 33)
  • Paediatrics (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 2/4)
  • Professional and terminological and humanitarian aspects of medical Latin (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 32)
  • Psychiatry and narcology (Beginning at 13:00. Embankment of Moyka River, 126)
  • Nursing care (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 6)
  • Social humanities (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 12)
  • Forensic medicine (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 26)
  • Toxicology and extreme medicine (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 26)
  • Trauma surgery and orthopaedics (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 20)
  • Urology (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 14)
  • Factors of environment and man health (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 33)
  • Pharmacology (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 33)
  • Surgery (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 13)
  • Epidemiology (Beginning at 13:00. Pavilion 2/4)